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在新冠肺炎疫情的推动下,消费者已将大部分购买习惯大幅转向网上. 在回应, 品牌和广告商不得不调整他们的商业模式,以吸引那些依赖数字技术的消费者. 公司还必须努力吸引消费者的注意力,因为他们不断地接触数字设备上的内容.

截至2022年, 92%的家庭 were reported to be reachable by CTV programmatic advertising. 此外, 85%的消费者 report using second devices such as smartphones or tablets while watching television. 尽管营销人员总是直觉地把握住电视影响销售的能力, 从历史上看,广告市场一直被少数几家能够负担得起这种媒体高昂的进入成本的广告商所主导,而较小的企业则被迫在场外观望.

CTV advertisers are certainly doubling down. 数字广告支出 增长了49% and CTV advertising spend is expected to reach $50 billion by the end of 2022. That number is only forecast to grow as we enter into the 2023 planning season. 各种规模的营销人员都有一个独特的机会来利用这种不断发展的形式.

但在那之前, 重要的是要看看目前央视广告的创新在哪里, 它在哪里有发展空间, and how marketers of all sizes can find their place in the medium. 具有讽刺意味的是, 这很可能需要行业回顾付费搜索的早期,并将其中一些相同的市场原则应用到今天的形式中,从而迎来CTV广告的复兴.

Where we’re at as an industry now

电视从来不包括小品牌,由于它不是“可点击的”,对其有效性的衡量一直是难以捉摸的.“传统上, it has been anchored in 1:1 sales processes, 昂贵的广告购买, and notoriously poor measurement and attribution.

这些因素导致了大约750亿美元的电视市场被500家广告客户所控制,它们占据了85%的电视广告支出. 主要是因为这个原因, the market has stagnated while performance-based digital media, with its sophisticated approaches to precision ROI, has seen virtually unimpeded growth, and now accounts for over $200 billion in annual spend.

This does not have to be the case.

An important look back to understand how we got here

在过去的20年里,随着消费者在网上花费更多的时间,电子商务出现了爆炸式增长. 在线商务的关键驱动力是25年前由营销远见者比尔·格罗斯在帕萨迪纳的一家互联网孵化器中提出的一个概念, 加州. 这种革命性模式的出现将永远影响商品和服务的销售方式.

从今天的有利位置来看, 他在这一当时令人吃惊的创新背后的思考过程相当简单:如果消费者能够识别出哪些人已经对某样东西有需求或感兴趣,并在他们表达需求的确切时刻在他们面前投放相关广告,那会怎么样? And what if media were sold in an automated marketplace, where any marketer could reach a global audience instead of just a few, a few hundred or even a few thousand people?

This marketplace model was first implemented in Bill’s paid search engine, GoTo.com, 它于1997年推出,并通过使数百万企业能够向大众受众做广告而迅速得到采用. 而这仅仅是开始——市场模式最终导致了所有数字媒体的重新发明, 从付费搜索(雅虎), 谷歌, Bing) to social media (Facebook, 提前, 等.) to display and video advertising (Yahoo, The Trade Desk, 等.), as well as new categories including ride sharing (Uber), 外卖(Instacart), 活动门票(StubHub), 房地产,房地产经纪人.com) and property rentals (Airbnb). 今天, nine million businesses participate in digital marketplaces like 谷歌 and Facebook, spending more than $200 billion annually.

History repeats itself; it will take marrying the old with the new to advance

So as the global marketplace becomes even more reliant on digital advertising, 在过去的几年里,数字广告客户如何才能接触到越来越精通技术的受众?

流媒体电视正迅速成为消费者观看电视的主要方式——如今,仅Netflix和Disney+就有近5亿付费用户. This trend will only accelerate. 并接触到这些消费者, advertisers are flocking to TV in record numbers, 通过类似搜索启用, 自我管理的CTV购买和测量控制台,可以测量实际的业务结果(例如.g.(网站访问者和销售额),以及电视广告在确定性基础上产生的投资回报率. By 2024, more than 200,000 search and social advertisers will be active on CTV. 转向电视的数字优先营销人员将迎来电视广告的新复兴时期, benefiting content producers and consumers. 从今天开始.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from tvScientific. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The Premium Environment Advantage in CTV Advertising

Vevo和Channel 4的一项联合研究发现,对优质电视内容有明显偏好的消费者增加了近50%. 洛葛仙妮哈雷, Director of Client Strategy at Azerion, 解释了广告商如何适应这种消费者偏好的转变,并在CTV环境中优化广告放置策略,以有效和准确地达到增量, 可寻址的观众.


AdImpact首席执行官凯尔·罗伯茨讨论了电视是如何浪费二级媒体买家的广告印象的,这些媒体买家专注于推动特定的流量, 当地企业, why this is a significant problem, and how new tech that allows for finer-tuned zip code analysis is the solution.

Will CTV Ever Be a Buyer’s Market?

尽管全球广告支出放缓,但预计CTV将在2023年继续保持快速增长. While CTV is so popular it's immune to spending cuts, 它仍然存在问题, especially regarding brand safety, 适用性, 数据透明度. Mario Diez, CEO Peer39, discusses the challenges currently facing CTV.

Get Ready - Advertisers Want Sophisticated TV Targeting for Omnichannel Media Buying

ThinkAnalytics的Tony Mooney讨论了以适合当地市场或操作限制的速度优化电视行为定位的方法.

Top 7 Ad Processes that Desperately Need Automation

将Offeman, Chief Product Officer of WideOrbit, 概述了七个自动化流程,以帮助简化广告销售从投标到付款, saving broadcasters time and money.

Why Advertisers Must Embrace OTT Services' Ad-Supported Models in 2023

As the fight for eyeballs intensifies, 我们看到越来越多的公司多样化他们的盈利策略,包括广告支持的收入模式,扩大他们的广告产品和能力. As companies like Disney and Netflix debut ad-supported models, 营销人员和广告商可以通过将自己整合到OTT组合中来创造吸引观众的活动.

Why CTV Is One of Digital Advertising’s Fastest-Growing Channels

Why is CTV one of digital advertising's fastest-growing channels, and where is CTV advertising heading? 由于有更多的观众和观众,该频道可能会保持快速增长, rich storytelling possibilities in a medium poised to capture consumer attention, 不断发展的测量能力将使CTV成为品牌和绩效营销的首选. 

How Legacy Publishers Should Harness the Power of CTV in 2022

在一天结束的时候, 让出版商将他们的内容扩展到CTV媒体的目标是为自己的未来做好准备——继续增加他们的受众,并以一种有影响力的方式使他们的内容多样化, 和共鸣. The time to take the leap is now.

CTV Growth Puts Pressure on Converged TV Adoption

CTV正在塑造电视的转型,并在融合电视时代对测量创新的需求施加压力. Measurement innovation must sit at the center of this transformation, and take on the role of redefining how we evaluate TV altogether, from the common metrics used across both linear and streaming, to how we create a more interoperable ecosystem that delivers value to us all, from viewers to advertisers and publishers.          

Why Businesses Should Embrace CTV, Geo-Targeted Advertising

Connected TV still might not yield the numbers that traditional TV does, but its targeting capabilities make it a better buy than linear